ICTAC COUNCIL - Executive Committee - Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Commission
Prof. Ranjit K. Verma
(Founder VC, Munger University & Former Pro VC, Patna University)
Professor (Superannuated),
University Department of Chemistry,
Magadh University, Bodh Gaya 824234, India
Tel. +91- 631-2222469
Cell +91-9431068823 / 9471004494 / 7991123313
Ranjit Kumar Verma (M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S.C., F.I.C.,F.I.S.C.) served as the founder Vice Chancellor of Munger University (2018-21) and, is a former Pro Vice Chancellor of Patna University (7th oldest university of India) after being appointed by the Chancellor through a Search Committee mechanism, for a three-year term (2014-17). He has also been an academic teacher and scientific researcher for over 44 years.
Prof Verma formed a small thermal group in 1986 at the University Department of Chemistry (which later became DST-FIST Sponsored and UGC-BSR Supported), Magadh University, Bodh Gaya which he joined in 1983 as a Lecturer in Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry after teaching undergraduate students at H. D. Jain College, Ara for almost 6 years (1977-83). He has continuously been popularizing this branch since then and has delivered over 100 lectures on topics of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry at Conferences etc in India and abroad (Presidential Addresses, Invited Lectures, Lecture Series and Lectures at Refresher Courses for College Teachers). He became Reader in 1986 and full Professor in 1993.
Dr Verma has been a co-author of the Chemistry text book for senior secondary students, published by NCERT (the main body for curriculum and textual material development in India) and has co-authored e-Book on Inorganic Chemistry for undergraduate students-developed under the National Digital Library project of CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt of India) which has been made available free of charge. He was the National Coordinator for a paper in Chemistry for the UGC’s ePG-Pathshala project- a national e-Text Book Project (massive open online courses) for M.Sc. students (http://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/view_f.php?category=666). The University Grants Commission (UGC) had sponsored this project under the National Mission on Education through Information Communication Technology (NMEICT) scheme of the Govt of India. He was the Chair of the Verma Committee for Academic and Administrative Reforms of Magadh University and has served as the CCDC of that university for one term. He was also mentor and Member of the State Level Committees on Automation and Curricular Reforms.
Prof Verma is Associate Editor for J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. Earlier, he was Honorary Editor of the Journal of Indian Chemical Society (2007-10), Regional Editor of the J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. (2010), the Honorary Treasurer (2016-19)/ Member of the Executive Committee/ Council of the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) during the years 2006-2012 and 2013-2014. He is presently the General Secretary (Membership) of ISCA (the largest scientific organisation of India having 50,000+ members). He did act as the Sectional President/Sectional Scientist-in-charge of Inorganic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry Sections of the national level annual conferences of Indian Council of Chemists (Presently its President; www.chemicc.com) and Indian Chemical Society (also as its Executive Council Member).
Earlier, Dr Verma served as the Secretary of ICTAC (2012-16) and as a Member of its Scientific Award Commission (2008). He has also been serving ICTAC as the Vice Chairman of Scientific Commission, has served as the Chairman of the Education Committee for two terms, as a Member of the Scientific Award Commission (2008) and as an Affiliate Councillor. He was the Chairman of the Workshop on Challenges in Education in Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry at ICTAC-15 (2012) and organised Workshop on ‘Theory and Practice in Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry’ during 17th ICTAC at Cracow, Poland. He was Session Chair for Section of “Inorganic materials, geochemistry and ceramics” at ICTAC-16 (2016). He joined the Indian Thermal Analysis Society in 1991 and later served it in different capacities including Vice President. He has produced over dozen Ph D’s and has published/presented 120 papers. His research interests are in thermal analysis particularly its application in solid state kinetics and in preparation of nano-particles and finding their photoluminescence, magnetic and electrical properties. He organized Symposia on Applications of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (SATAC-2010/ SATAC-2011/SATAC-2014/ SATAC-2021) held in India at Chandigarh (29th ICC), Patna (11th National Convention of Chemistry Teachers), IIT-ISM Dhanbad and Magadh University, Bodh Gaya respectively and, was the Chairman of the events besides being the Guest Editor of the Special issues/chapters devoted to SATAC events in the J. Therm. Anal. Calorim.
Ranjit is a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (London), an F.I.C. [Elected Fellow of Institution of Chemists (India)] and is also an F.I.S.C. (India). He is recipient of the
“Life Time Achievement Award” (Indian Council of Chemists, 2022); the “Best PG Teacher Award” (ACT-TIFR (At N.I.E., Ajmer, 2018) and the “ISCAS Gold Medal 2018” (Indian Society of Solid State Chemistry & Allied Sciences, Jammu). As part of recognition of his outstanding publication activity in thermal analysis, professional activity, awards, etc. his name figures in the list of 350 world’s leading thermal scientists published in the 2nd edition of ‘Who is Who in Thermal Analysis’ by Springer Science from Europe (http://www.springer.com/chemistry/analytical+chemistry/book/978-3-319-09485-4). He was a member of the IPC of International Conference of Coordination Chemistry.
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