Thermodynamics & thermochemistry
Instruments & Methods
Standards & Nomenclature
Life & Environmental Sciences
Energetics, Combustion, Hazards and Safety
Jordi Farjas
Stefano Vecchio Ciprioti
Giuseppe Lazzara
Oleg Petuhov
Paul S. Thomas
Jiri Kucerik
Lin Jiang
Zhiwu Yu
Matko Erceg
Nicolas Sbirrazzuoli
Vera L. S. Freitas
Wojciech Marczak
Arnon Chaipanich
Loic Favergeon
Janis Matisons
Gareth M. B. Parkes
Elisabeth M. van der Merwe
Eder T. G. Cavalheiro
Wenbing Hu
Thomas Maskow
Titus Vlase
Julia Sempere
Chi-Min Shu
Katsumi Katoh
Milan Antonijevic
Each committee should:
have a well-defined working plan;
have a consistent number & clear list of committed members to contribute to the work of the committee, while their activity
shall be taken via consensus among all their members;
have a continuous activity;
organize a workshop / session at ICTAC and/or at ESTAC;
publish books / papers with the presentations and discussions.
Rules for Committees (as from ICTAC15, Osaka)
*Each Chairperson may serve a period of 4 years for leading the group; the period is renewable for a single term of 4 more years.
*ICTAC Council should approve the progressively closing down of the committees by observing the rule of ‘no-activity’ over years.
*The Chairpersons of various Committees should invite awardees of ICTAC Young Scientist Award to participate to the activities of
various groups.
*Under each line committee may open / close, according to the criteria enumerated above, groups of work (like ‘group for nano-
materials’, ‘group for flash-DSC’, etc). The groups rely on the initiative of members of ICTAC who are interested in a specific project
defined within the frame of the work of a certain committee.
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