Education Committee/Work Group
University Dept of Chemistry,
Magadh University, Bodh Gaya -824234(India)
Honorary Editor of the J. Indian Chem. Soc.
Regional Editor, J. Therm. Anal. Cal.
Council Member of the Ind Sci. Cong Assoc.
Vice President, ICC; Vice President, IACT;
Executive Member, ITAS
Prof. Dr. Masao Ionashiro
Sao Paulo State University (UNESP)
List of members:
Prof John O Hill
Melbourne Graduate School of Education,
University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, 3010, Australia
Prof Lauri Niinistö
Laboratory of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry,
P.O. Box 6100,
Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Chemistry, Finland, FL-02015
Dr S. C. Mojumdar
Special Graduate Faculty, University of Guelph, Canada
Adjunct Professor, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Prof. David Devraj Kumar
Professor of Science Education
College of Education
Florida Atlantic University
2912 College Avenue
Davie, Florida 33314, USA
The aim is ‘to promote education and training in thermal analysis and calorimetry’ and
1. to update, broaden and intensify the educational level of professionals in the field of thermal analysis.
2. to broaden the curriculum in institutions of higher education to include the theory and practical applications of thermal analysis.
3. to organise symposia/workshops to achieve these aims.
1. Advising each national society to have at least one thermal education group. They should undertake at least one activity like
workshop/symposium etc during their annual/biennial event if they are nor organising such event.
2. Celebrating international year of chemistry through such societies.
3. Organising an education symposium during the next ICTAC.
4. Reviewing books on thermal analysis to be put on web.
5. Holding a full session on thermal education in the ESTAC as well.
6. Coordinating with universities etc. to broaden the curriculum (inclusion of theory and practice of TA)
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